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Paolo Limoli ritratto.jpg

Born in '59, artist, graphic designer, musician.

I have always drawn. I have been a graphic designer since 1978. When I started working, there was obviously no computer and every phase of the creative process of a graphic project was exclusively manual: from the scribble, to the sketch, to the prototype, to the final executive. This allowed me to develop precious qualities even today, after the advent of technology (which I love): precision, meticulousness, patience, rigor, mental form, approach, discipline, curiosity. Paper was the first material I tried my hand at, not only to design illustrations, logotypes or definitive for printing, but also to make packaging, particularly in the jewelry and cosmetics sectors. From that moment on, three-dimensional projects have become my great passion, which over the years has resulted in a more purely artistic direction.

In 2005, during my long stay in Spain (which lasted almost 10 years), I designed my first works. Since my return to Italy, thanks also to the partnership with Favini - a leading company in the sector worldwide - which supplies me with the most varied types of papers it produces, I have created about 100 works, some of which are very complex and laborious, which required up to a few months of work.

The creative process varies from piece to piece - I don't have and am not interested in having a fixed work pattern - and mainly involves emotional states and visual memory. In general, the idea is then fixed on paper in the form of a simple scribble, perfecting itself on the computer in a two-dimensional vector drawing, essential for defining shapes, proportions and colors in detail. Subsequently, especially for more complex projects, I create a prototype to scale to verify its feasibility and establish the order of the various construction phases, which are completely and exclusively manual: drawings, cuts, folds, gluing, assemblies.

I can't explain how I make my sculptures in a general sense, each one is different: one color, one type of paper, many colors, many types of paper, squares, ovals, triangles, circles, straight lines, curved lines, towers , "impossible" figures, cars, various vehicles ...

I learned by taking things apart from an early age to see what they were like INSIDE, doing things the "wrong way" and being curious. I feel that getting something wrong is the most important way to learn, rather than copying something perfectly.

The need to "get involved" and create new "challenges" leads me to constantly explore different forms, spatiality, contents and themes. I gladly escape the repetitiveness and the "comfort zone" of the known.

I find inspiration in almost everything: from music, from two and three-dimensional art, from architecture, from nature, from cinema.

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